Friday, September 28, 2007

Beerability and Coffeeness- Part II

Before I get started again on either beer or coffee, I have a piece of my friend's mind that I ought to share with the reader. He's a Colonel in the army, and a jolly good fella he his. Colonel lives by the side of my insti campus in a cozy little house on a small hillock. A bright red light illuminates the path that leads up to the lawn of his house and also shows the Gypsy in the shelter below.

One winter evening we had called on him. Over drinks he told a lot many things; and as it is said that grey hair does not prove wisdom of the soul, he was testimonial to that cliché that night. Two things stand out neatly in front of me as I key in this text:

1)Always, and ALWAYS reply to a message. A message is never simply a collection of words. There is an emotion behind any message and that emotion needs to be answered to. So Rule number One- even if it is your worst enemy, never leave a message unanswered.
2)In India, do not discuss your drinking habits in public.

These 2 principles have been guideposts for some pretty mundane activity and talks, but it has never the less served as a guidepost that I now believe the reader will find him/her self enriched with.

In Part 1 of this series , I had discussed how exactly I came around to sipping my first coffee; something that I've grown attached to over the passage of years. At this instant, the reader might find it unreasonable that all these bytes of space are being devoted to convey an idea so trivial. But this fades in comparison to what history has to offer. I recollect reading in a small yellow 'Unbelievable facts' book that a King, after spending a night in bed with his lady, devoted 2 entire pages of his journal writing about her bosoms. Talk of being descriptive!

At a wedding party in 2001, my Mom offered me my first sip of beer. Cheers to a lady who's thinking is so forward that I feel like the 'previous generation'. And as Colonel's advice goes, I shall refrain from saying any further.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dey junda... Filter Coffee is ecstasy man! and haven't tasted beer.... so cheers to what we proclaim is our fuel, coffee! [:)]
srikanth mantha.