Wednesday, September 5, 2007


In ancient Babylon, there lived a frog. His name was Frogg.

One morning, Frogg hopped all the way from the tree where he lived to a nearby lake for a drink of water. While at the lake, he noticed two other frogs quarrelling. With the intention of diffusing the situation, he hopped up to the fellows and inquired - “What's happening, fellows? Don't you know your not supposed to be quarrelling? This is, after all, the time of the Great Ancient Mesopotamian Civilisation that we are in. Take shame in your act. The King shall not be too pleased to learn this.”

The 2 frogs stopped their fight and looked up at Frogg. One of them was a big guy; he bloated up his throat and blared out - “Shut the hell up, Twinkie. You have no idea what's happening. Go find someone else your size that'll hear out your bullcrap. Maybe you should try the little mouse that lives in that hole there.”, and the fight resumed. Little Frogg was aghast at hearing this. He had always been a frog with a dream. He wanted to make it big in the world; he wanted to bring about change. It hurt him to see his fellow beings squandering away their precious time over petty issues.

Frogg returned back to the tree. He shut his eyes and prayed in silence - “Dear God!I thank you for putting me at this great time in history at a place as divine as Ancient Babylon. I also thank you for giving me the ability to dream big. I wish that my fellow mates could do the same. On their behalf, I ask of you to show them a path in their lives and not let them squander it in meaningless ways. I'm glad that in my hands, you have placed such a bright future.” And he fell asleep.

Months later, Frogg's dream came true. He became the first animal in the world to be dissected and studied in great detail. He was given the name Sacred Frogg after that. Today amongst the frog community, Sacred Frogg is a hero. Nowadays, when a baby frog hops around spelling some mischief, Mama Frog confronts him and says - “Sonny, buck up! You will be like Sacred Frogg one day!”

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