Sunday, September 9, 2007

Hill'ffair 2007

I'm told this is a fine description. So here goes-

NIT Hamirpur is a gorgeous young woman in her early 20's. Many have spoken about her beauty. Fewer still have written about it. But seeing her up close and personal is the benefit of a handful. Each year,when it gets cold in the hills, the lady suits up, puts on her make up so her fair skin shows the fade blush and she steps out on the street for 3 days. Her grace instantly pulls passers-by to stare at her in awe. She is an enigma; and Hill'fair is the blush on her rosy cheeks.

This November, gravity becomes a myth. Hill'ffair is the annual cultural experience of NIT Hamirpur. This is the melting pot of all action; where art, music, literature,hot coffee, drama, rivalry, fire camps, hot-dogs, tears and a broken guitar string are all very much at home. To say that the open air theatre that houses Hill'ffair is the nucleus of all activity would be an understatement. But this is where that little seed of excitement that was sown months ago blossoms into a beautiful shower.

The clock is ticking away. And soon the young woman will go back to where she came from. Catch her blush before it disappears.

This is an attitude. This is Hill'ffair.


Anonymous said...
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Anonymous said...

Wow! Now THAT should be in the brochure :)