Friday, September 19, 2008

The Gratitude Rock

Try this:

Pick up a small stone or a pebble. Clean it and let it dry completely. Carry this stone around with you where ever you go. For men, let it remain in your pocket throughout the day, and when you retire for the night, leave it on your desk along with the wallet, keys and the hand-kerchief. Ladies, it can remain in your bag. But take it out every night, and put it back in the next morning.

This is called the ‘Gratitude Rock’, and this technique has been featured in the movie The Secret. Every time you see the rock or feel it with your hands, just say this to yourself: “I thank the Universe for giving me _____”. If there is something that you’re missing in your life at this point in time, fill that in the blank. It could be as simple as “I thank the Universe for giving me a good night’s sleep” (which is something that I have been saying a lot lately!) or “I thank the Universe for giving me a stress free day” or “I thank the Universe for giving me a triple frappaccino latte with double cinnamon shot”. Ask for anything. And sooner or later, you will see yourself attracting it. Gratitude works well with anything in life. This is a law of the universe.

‘Focus’ is the next key word. Always be specific in what you ask the universe for, and focus on it in your mind. And that evokes another great law: What you focus on is what you get. If your want to be healthy, thank the universe for granting you good health. If it’s money that you need, every time you touch the gratitude rock, thank the universe for giving you an abundance of money. But do it regularly and consistently with focus. To burn a piece of paper, it takes a magnifying glass to remain in one position and focus the sun’s rays on to the paper. Obviously, nothing much is going to happen if you wave around the magnifying glass. Why? Focused attention ALWAYS delivers, but when executed with a sense of gratitude.

This might be heavy philosophy from someone who’s been writing about coffee and beer and escapades. But then, we all change tracks.

Coming soon: Coffee, beer and escapades.


Prashant said...

visited ur blog after many days and got refreshed by both the flow and the secret.
will definitely imbibe the gratitude rock theory
waiting eagerly for the next one

Dew Drop said...


Puzzled by the philosphy touch in this blog... Good one to think of though :)