Thursday, May 8, 2008

A closing note

Stereotype demands me to resume blogging with a post on the senti-mity (I just coined the word) of leaving college. I'd have to be brain-dead to do that. So I thought I would give a little antithesis on the end of college and what's running through my mind at this point in time.

Without a whiff of a doubt these 4 years have been the best years so far, having taken away the cake, the icing and the little red cherry on top. But then, like I mentioned in one of my early early posts, this place is too rich that it gets to you after a while; kind of like the Death by Chocolate at Corner House. I like this place too much that it's now time for me to get out of here, go all the way around and come back to help it grow bigger and better (if that's making any sense).

And for the record, I showed Nagraj the middle finger. May he lead a long life. Having the last laugh is good, since you can laugh louder and longer than you would normally.

But as of now, it's time to play mentor to some fabulously promising people (Iti, I know you're reading this!)

1 comment:

Aditya said...

middle finger?
literally or metaphorically?