and if i hadn't bought that (THAT) cup of coffee at Kallmane Coffee Shop, I doubt if this post (series of posts) would have happened. so, here's the deal folks: Everyday (ok, as often as I humanly can) epxpect to find one lame/bizzaro question in this blog. There'll be four options to it.
Leave your choice as a comment.The board will compile the results and declare the winner soon.
So here goes:
Q: Why is that idiot wearing sunglasses INSIDE the coffee shop?
A: 1. He's an idiot.
2. He's hiding his red eyes.
3. He's just bought them.
4. It's actually a She. Look closer.
(Pick the closest answer.)
my answer - 3
1 and 4. an idiot she. :D
perfect combination.
Whatever happened to the standard "None of the above" and "All of the above" options? This is a flawed MCQ...
hahah I love this one!! this thought has crossed my mind so many times.... My ans would be 1, 3 and he's a cheap ass trying to impress girls.... or rather "thinking" that he is impressing girls :))
He is an idiot, it seems or may be it is :P
I vote for secret option 5: Its the cool xray vision goggles (I can see now that you're wishing you were him :-P)
By the way, did it occur to you that maybe he's cyclops from the xmen?
(though it depends on whether he's goodlooking or not)
dude, pardon if i'm rude, but was is it YOU, who was wearing a sunglasses inside the coffee shop and having brainwaves on the MCQ... no offence, just a dig at the context... have fun... cheers...
Akshay Vaidian
wtf happened to the claims of a winner being announced...? is the "board" still sitting on their thumbs on this one...? don't think nobody'll notice if you just announce the next edition...
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